SKU 5RW08677
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Guaiacwood Essential Oil 10% in DPG

A dilution of Guaiacwood Oil 50% in DEP (Diethyl Phthalate)
Guaiacwood Essential Oil is dry woody spicy sweet pepper tea-rose smoky fishy velvet furry mens spice amber animal rose-de-mai rose-otto rounding off smoked-flavours snacks soups blackcurrant peach apricot strawberry raspberry.
Note this can be solid when cool and is added by scooping or can be quickly warmed and melted by standing in hot water (careful not to get water in it)
This solution is in DEP (Diethyl Phthalate) A very efficient but toxic solvent. Consider getting it in DPG not as convenient but a safer alternative.

US$ 0.12 /gram
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The odour and uses of Guaiacwood Essential Oil 10% in DPG
Dilution of Guaiacwood Oil 10% in DPG Refer to constituent materials for more information


$RW : Dilution of Guaiacwood Oil 10% in DPG Refer to constituent materials for more information


Product Guaiacwood Essential Oil 10% in DPG
Physical State Mixture : Refer to component materials


CAS No. 8016-23-7*10%
IFRA Status / EU Allergens / MSDS / COA
Safety Notes

Perfumery Applications

Typical usage in perfume compounds


Application Suitability

Used in these perfume types but not limited to them.


9 = Very Good Performance

8 = Good Performance

7 = Reasonable performance

6 = Fair performance

5 = Mediocre performance

4 = Slight stability problems

3 = Discoloration Problems

2 = Stability problems

1 = Major problems

0 = Not recommended for use

Important Notes:

End application data applies to experiments carried out by the authors or extrapolated from those experiments using computer algorithms. As application product formulations vary widely this information is only a general guide.

Full testing by both perfumers- flavorists and end users is the only proven method to ensuring a perfume or flavours safety- strength- suitability- stability and success.

Legislation and regulations vary widely and change with time so it is your duty to check this.

Alcoholic Perfume 9
Anti-perspirants/Deo 9
Creams and Lotions 9
Lipsticks 9
Talcum Powder 9
Tablet Soap 7
Liquid Soap 8
Shampoo 9
Hair Conditioner 9
Bath/Shower Gel 9
Cold Wave 1
Acid Cleaner 1
Ammonia 5
Chlorine 1
Detergent Powder 9
Liquid Detergent 9
Fabric Softener 9
Candles 7
Pot Pourri 9
Incense 9